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                当前位置:首页 > 华中农业大学 > 新闻公告 >


                2020-03-22 0 新闻公告 来源:华中农业大学新闻网


                Dear overseas HZAUers,


                We hope this letter finds you all well. What concerns us most is your health and safety at this particular moment as the pandemic is plaguing the whole world. In the past two months, our staff and students at HZAU have undergone a bitter war against COVID-19, which is nearly coming to an end. Our school, though not open, will be back on track soon.


                We have been through the most difficult time and will also face upcoming challenges together. Your deepest concern and tremendous support during that dark period gathered momentum for us to win the battle. HZAU is and will always be your family backing you up whenever you need help wherever you are. We are closely monitoring the COVID-19 pandemic around the world and are committed to providing all possible help and assistance. We wish you all safe and sound.

                千里不辞行路远,时光早晚到天涯。新冠疫情全球大流行对你们的工作和生活带来诸ω 多挑战,对你们和家人、朋友的健康造成威胁。请你◆们注意安全,保重身体!作为刚刚经历过而且仍在全力抗击疫情的学校领导、作为孩子的父亲,我们希望你们持续关注和听从当地政府、学校官方︾的安排和我国驻当地使领馆的指引,理智应对,科学抗疫。请你们及时向所在单位、家人和亲朋好友分享最新的动态资讯,保持信息沟通。愿你们能主动帮助社区、帮助邻居,在疫情防控中贡献华农人的智慧和力量!

                Combating COVID-19 will be a long journey and we have full confidence in our victory in the end. Please take good care of yourselves and your families while abroad as the current disease may pose threats and challenges to your life and work. Being the heads of the university and fathers in our own family who have weathered through the hardest part of the combat and are preparing for new conditions, we advise you to stay alert to the latest information on the COVID-19 issued by the local public health authority and to the latest notices and directions of the local governments, universities, embassies and consulates, and share the latest resources with your family, friends and colleagues. Please keep calm and cope with the situation rationally and scientifically. We also hope that you are able to offer help to your neighbors and local communities and contribute your wisdom and strength in containing the coronavirus.



                With joint hands and collective efforts, the pandemic will surely be under control. At this moment, our campus is in its prime season of spring, full of vigor and vitality, the Lion Mountain ablaze with color and life, green willows and cherry blossoms. We sincerely hope the spring of the Lion Mountain will bring hope, courage and tenacity to you all.

                Stay strong and stay well.

                Sincerely yours,

                                                                                   校党委△书记:高 翅 

                                                                                         GAO Chi

                                                                 Secretary of the HZAU Party Committee


                                                                                         LI Zhaohu



                                                                                     March 22, 2020

                未经允许不得转载:二九年华大学门户 » 华中农业大学党委书记、校长致海外师生的一◇封信
