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                当前位置:首页 > 西安交通大ξ学 > 新闻公告 >


                2019-06-22 0 新闻公告 来源:西安交通︻大学新闻网


                妮琳(乌兹别克斯坦) 林圭(赞比亚)





                林圭:我是林圭,来自赞比︾亚。My name is CHALWE LENGWE. I come from a land that is shaped like a butterfly, the republic of ZAMBIA.


                We count it as a great privilege that we are able to represent all 2019 graduates on this special day.


                Firstly, allow me, on behalf of all the graduates to sincerely thank our University faculty for the love and support they showed us throughout the years of our university life.


                I believe with great certainty that all those graduating today have a positive outlook for their future, the two student representatives standing before you are not an exception.


                Talking about future prospects, as an international student from Uzbekistan,which is a country that is part of the ‘one belt and one road’ initiative, I have fortunately come to understand the great influence that president Xi’s initiative has had on my country. I can confidently say the one belt one road initiative has changed the fate of our generation in a very obvious way. As this is the case, I decided to take up the study of economics at the Jinhe economic research center where I have gain much insight in economics. Coming back to my future prospects, I wish to go back to my country and share all the knowledge and experience I have accumulated with my fellow citizens. Most importantly, I want to promote the friendly exchanges between China and Uzbekistan from an economic and educational point of view.


                Both China and Africa are cradles of human civilizations. Our friendship and exchanges can be traced back to the 2nd Century AD. These friendship ties and relations are becoming more and more common with the joint efforts of building the one belt and one road. This talk about economics and international relations might seem irrelevant seeing that am a medical student. But the thing is, as an international student coming from Africa, ‘LAND OF THE PRIDE’ I have always integrated my personal development with the development of my country. My medical related career comes into play because I plan to invest my time and energy in the construction of the China-Africa Fate Community which will aim at implementing better and improved health and sanitation.


                Now that I have obtained my bachelor’s degree, I will continue my graduate studies at my beloved university, Xian Jiaotong University. The construction of the new innovation port is the historical milestone of positive transformations for XJTU's development, hence everybody else like my expectations during my graduate studies at XJTU have reached a new high.


                After my graduation, I am going back home and gain some practical experience. I am very grateful to XJTU for teaching me so many skills, of which public speaking is one of them. These are skills I plan to use as a birth-point for the rejuvenation and re-vitalization of my motherland. All the knowledge and skills I have accumulated in XJTU will work towards serving the people of my country.


                In the four years I have been at this university, my personal growth has never been faster in my whole life. This personal growth factor is directly linked to the guidance and support I received from the teachers and from my own fellow students.


                The first time we walked into XJTU we were like a blank piece of paper. We had no professional knowledge, our social skills where so poor that we made it a case to complain about the uneven ratio of number of male to female students.as we leave XJTU today , things are very different....that one piece of blank paper is now very colorful and appealing to society.


                Looking back at my time at this great university , I feel honored that I had an opportunity to belong to the amazing XJTU family.

                林圭:回想我⌒ 们在交大的时光,我们勇气十足地迎接每个交大学者应有的义务,那就是在我们即将进入的社会里好好代表母校,用自己的实际行■动,不断提高母校的国际影响力。

                Am sure as everyone looks back at our time at this university, our experiences fill us with boldness and courage to take on the obligation every alumni student has, which is to act as an ambassador for our university where ever we find ourselves. As we leave the university, I urge each and every student to continue contributing to the reputation that our university is building on an international level.


                Despite the fact that some of us are leaving the university , the strong emotions we have towards XJTU will never change.


                Even if we decide to pursue our dreams anywhere around the globe, we should always remember that XJTU will always be the foundation that we needed to make anything possible.

                妮琳 林圭:感谢母校和各位老师对我们的好。我们相信所有同学已经准备好了面对将来的任≡何挑战。最后我们想祝母校明日更好,谢谢大家!


                Muhammad Usman (Pakistan) 穆哈穆德 乌斯曼(巴基斯坦)

                Dear family, friends, faculty, and fellow graduates.


                Good afternoon!下午好!

                I am Muhammad Usman, an International PHD Business Administration student from Pakistan. First of all, I would like to congratulate all students who graduated today and also pay my since thanks to all the teachers and faculty. As nervous as I am standing here today I am also proud to be sharing my experiences with you all.


                Well, today we all have accomplished one of the major milestones of our lives. We all worked hard to get to this day; this graduation shows that we all are capable in accomplishing our goals when we commit ourselves to them.


                As you know every end has a new beginning, three years back in 2016 I was among the lucky international students who won CSC scholarships in one of the top ranking University “XJTU”, which is the dream of thousands of students.


                We were also nervous to leave my home and travel to another country to live without family and friends, but the warm welcome from the leaders and staff of international education school of XJTU deeply inspired us. I never saw such warm welcoming nation and the teachers who truly accepted our CULTURAL differences with respect and care. I enjoyed my three years stay in China and I feel the people of China are very friendly, cooperative, and kind to the people of all nations. I can say China is my second home, that’s the reason why I choose to stay in China and to work in one of Chinese university. I believe I can play an effective role in increasing the cooperation between Chinese and Pakistani universities. Even the Prime Minister of Pakistan Imran Khan said Pakistan can learn from the exemplary leadership of China and both nations can get benefited from mutual cooperation such as China Pakistan Economic Corridor.

                但是想到要背井离乡,去另一个没有朋友和家人的国家生活,我也非常紧张。而来自国际教育学院领导和老师们热情的欢迎深深的感染了我。我从未见过如此热情的国家和老师们,你们真正的用理解和关爱接受我们的不同♀文化背景。在中国学习生活的三年间,我非常愉快,中国人民对全世界所有的国家都非常友好、合作、善良。我想说中国就是我的第二故乡。这也是我选□择留在中国一所大学工作的原因,我相信我可以在促进中巴高等教育合作中发挥︻一些积极的作用。正如巴基斯坦前总理Imaran Khan所言,巴基斯坦可以以中国为楷模,两国都能从中巴经济走廊这样的合作中受益。

                We have learned lots of things during our stay at XJTU. It has taught us to lose and also enjoy winning. It has taught us to believe in ourselves. XJTU taught us to be gentle, and tough enough. To comprehend my learning experience at XJTU I would like to Quot the famous quotation of the Chairman Xi “Xing Fu Pu Khoway Tong Tian er Jiang” which means “Happiness doesn’t fall out of the blue and dreams will not come true by themselves, we need to be down to earth and work hard, we should uphold the idea that working hard is most honorable, noblest, greatest and most beautiful virtue.


                At the end I would like to say thanks to all my teachers, Faculty members (especially my supervisor Professor Zhang Junrui) and the lab-mates. On behalf of International students I am also thankful to Chinese government and XJTU for financially supporting us to make our dream come true. We must also be thankful to our parents who often compromise on their dreams to make our dreams come true, believe me they scarifies many things for us.


                Therefore, in closing, I would ask the graduating student to join me in a round of applause for the distinguished faculty of XJTU and for our parents.


                未经允许不得转载:二九年华大学门户 » 留学生代表在西安交大2019年学生毕业典礼暨学位授予仪式上的发言

